Sweet Pulled Pork Sandwiches


I’ve been moseying around Toronto recently stopping in at various places for lunch during work and have come to love the smoky flavours and the tender meat of pulled pork sandwiches. After sampling some different recipes I began to wonder how difficult it would be to make at home. Much to my surprise, it is incredibly easy. I thought to get the melt in your mouth texture of the pork you’d need to keep лучший тур в Калининград на 5 дней a keen eye on it for hours. Although pulled pork does take a long time to cook, its a task that becomes less daunting with the use of a slow-cooker. I searched the internet and came across this recipe which I re-created over the weekend. Everyone loved it, it was a very unique taste with the inclusion of the Root beer, you’ll see what I mean below. This recipe works great for the working family as well because all the ingredients go in the cooker, turn it on and eat up when you come home. My only concern with it was it was a bit too much on the sweet side, but I think that was because of the type of BBQ sauce I used at the end.This recipe works well with coleslaw and beans as side dishes. Hopefully you will enjoy this recipe as much as I did.


  • 1 Pork tenderloin, or a pork shoulder cut of meat
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 cans of root beer
  •  1 bottle BBQ sauce
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Buns
  1. Rub Salt and pepper along the surface of the cut of meat.
  2. Place meat inside the slow cooker, set it to low.
  3. Chop the garlic and add to the cooker, along with all of the root beer
  4. Let it cook for 5-6 hours
  5. Open the cooked and shred the meat. It should be easy to pull apart at this point in time
  6. Add the BBQ, enough so that the meat is saturated, and cook for another half hour
  7. Serve on buns and enjoy!

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Categories: Main Dish


I work as a Public Relations professional and in my spare time I shop for fresh food and put together delicious meals for my friends and family. I love experimenting with recipes and I love the challenge cooking presents. I decided to start my own blog to not only help me track some of the delicious recipes and culinary successes but also to help educate others in the process. Hopefully you will find this blog to be educational and perhaps even inspirational. Thanks for visiting!


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